Credit Repair Magic
system takes less time and is more effective than
credit repair companies and other credit repair
programs. It utilizes a "self-directed"
rather than a "do-it-yourself" approach.
You don't have to write any letters or understand
any complicated law. The trademarked and copyrighted
point-and-click software takes you step by step
through the process. It's simple and it's fast.
This system has been honed to perfection since
1994. If you can click a mouse, you can use this
software. Credit Repair
Magic is the easiest, fastest, and most
effective program anywhere.
You are entitle to this process under the Fair
Credit Reporting Act. Nothing you do as part of
this program can be considered illegal. It's your
How does the
credit repair process work?
By disputing the negative
and erroneous items on your credit reports,
you force the credit bureaus to comply with
the law and investigate the disputed items.
If they are unable to validate the item, then
they must, by law, remove it from your report
or show it as a positive entry.
How long does
the credit repair process take?
You can
see results in a matter of days, or it could take
several months. It depends on how many items you
have and a number of other factors that are outside
of your control. There are shortcut methods to
speed up the process if you need to improve your
credit in a hurry, as when trying to qualify for
a mortgage.
How much money can I expect to save by improving
my credit?
Higher credit scores
can help you qualify for low refinance rates
on your mortgage and reduced rates on credit
cards. If you have an average amount of debt
and improve your score from, say, 610 to 720,
you could save as much as $350 to $450 per month.
Over a lifetime, that could add up to tens of
thousands of dollars.
Why can't I just repair my credit without
your help?
You can. But you will
likely make many easy avoidable mistakes, and
there are some mistakes that are difficult to
undo. Credit Repair Magic takes all the difficulty
out of the process and leads you step by step
to a successful outcome.
How do I find out my credit score?
You need
to order your credit reports from each bureau
(we show you five ways to do that for free) and
request your credit score. You can also sign up
for a paid subscription for unlimited access to
your reports and credit scores.
What is a credit inquiry?
a creditor (like a mortgage or credit card company)
wants to check your credit, they will "inquire"
with the credit bureaus. The resulting inquiry
can actually negatively affect your credit score
for a short time, but not by very much. If a creditor
pulls your report without your consent (like to
make a special offer) or if you pull your report
yourself, the inquiry doesn't count against you.
What is the Credit Repair Magic guarantee?
We know
that when you see the quality of our program,
you will be impressed. You can take a full 60
days to review it and make sure that it is everythng
we say--and more. If it's not, you can return
the program for a full refund.
Is it really possible to remove negative
items from my credit report?
Certainly. Millions
have done it and so can you. We have seen the
proof thousands of times, so you can rest assured
that success is not only possible, it's likely.
What kind of items can be removed from my
credit report?
can be removed, including bankruptcies, foreclosures,
late payments, collections, etc. If the bureaus
are unable to validate the accuracy of these items,
then they are required to remove them. That doesn't
mean that every negative item can be removed from
every credit report, but Credit Repair Magic gives
you the best opportunity for success. |
How do I get a copy of my credit reports?
Repair Magic gives you five different ways to get
free copies of your credit reports. Of course, you
can also purchase the reports at any time. |
What is a good credit score?
To qualify for the best
rates and terms on a home mortgage, you will need
at least a 680 or higher. Many lenders give their
best rates to those with a 740 or better. For
credit cards and car loans, you should probably
qualify for the best rates with anything over
a 640, though some lenders make special offers
for those with over a 700 score. Anything below
620 will put you in the "sub-prime"
category for home mortgages (meaning you'll pay
higher fees and get a higher rate). If you have
less than a 600 score, you probably won't get
approved for most unsecured credit cards. Your
goal should be a 770 score. We have yet to see
a lender who would not give their best rates and
terms to a person with that score.
Can I just get a new social security number
and start over?
No. There is a method
called File Segregation, but it is illegal, dangerous,
and usually unsuccessful.
What if everything on my credit
report is accurate? |
If so, you are in a
small minority. However, you are still able to
dispute items based on trivial inconsistencies
in reporting. For instance, if an item shows "90
days late," that could mean only that you
have gone into the third 30-day period. You really
may only be 68 days late. Therefore, you can legally
dispute this item and the credit bureaus will
have to validate it. If they can't (and we show
you how to make it tough for them), then they
will have to remove it from your report.
Are there any other costs associated
with credit repair? |
We show you how to get
your credit reports for free and avoid expensive
(and ineffective) credit repair companies. However,
there will be som mailing fees, photocopying,
and some paper. Most Credit Repair Magic customers
spend less than $10 on everything.
What kind of support is there
with the program? |
We want you to succeed,
so even though our software makes everything easy,
we realize that you may still have a few questions
now and then. You will have unlimited e-mail support
during the crucial first 60 days. After that,
we will take questions on a discretionary basis
for an unlimited time.
How can I get started? |
you've downloaded the Credit Repair Magic software,
just click on the Step-By-Step Bad Credit Eliminator
button and we'll take you through the whole process.
It's easy! |